Julian Falk, JF mark

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Julian Falk, JF mark  Empty Julian Falk, JF mark

Post by NaomiM October 28th 2023, 10:24 pm

Potting in Birmingham, 70s or 80s, but very little known about him. One mention in Ceramic Review no.86, 1984. Plus a Julian Max Falk on Companies House in the 2000s listed as a builder and renovator in Birmingham, d.o.b 1946, which may or may not be the same personĀ 

Julian Falk, JF mark  Img_4427Julian Falk, JF mark  Img_4425Julian Falk, JF mark  Img_4426 Julian Falk, JF mark  Img_4428

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Registration date : 2012-05-15


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