Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made

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Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Empty Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made

Post by Nick55 October 21st 2023, 4:44 pm

A nice slip ware dish I bought about 40 years ago got smashed this week. I have tried to mend it and see it has some marks. A fish and an FR monogram. Hoping someone can identify it.Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Img_8110
Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Img_8111
Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Img_8112

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Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Empty Re: Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made

Post by NaomiM October 21st 2023, 7:42 pm

I’ve seen this pair of marks several times before but they wren't IDed. Found on Medieval-style pottery, so possibly made for the re-enactment societies in the latter half of the 20thC.

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Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Empty Re: Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made

Post by Nick55 October 22nd 2023, 6:21 pm

Thanks for your response Naomi - maybe it wasnt that old when I got it:: Nick

Number of posts : 17
Location : Cardiff
Registration date : 2023-07-25

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Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made Empty Re: Slipware dish, fish and FR mark - broken but wonder when made

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