Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl

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Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Empty Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl

Post by seandux October 18th 2023, 3:33 pm

Hi. Hope someone can help. Found in the North West of England I believe this Carlton Ware bowl is from the mid to late 1920's. It has a 'Chinese' style pattern in gold and various enamels against a blue base on the inside and outside of the bowl. Also it has the pattern number 2519 alongside the mark. I've added a number of images, so if someone could id the name of the pattern it would be much appreciated. Many Thanks

Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Carlto12
Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Carlto11
Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Carlto10
Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Carlto14
Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Carlto13

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Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl Empty Re: Can any Carlton Ware experts help id the pattern on this bowl

Post by potterymad62 October 18th 2023, 4:43 pm

Mikado Pattern:

Male Number of posts : 934
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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