1960s Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot Fragoli or Strawberry

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1960s Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot Fragoli or Strawberry  Empty 1960s Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot Fragoli or Strawberry

Post by Mamma Lee October 15th 2023, 8:48 am

Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot -Is it known as Fragoli or Strawberry decoration by collectors?
Can anyone decipher the signature?

1960s Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot Fragoli or Strawberry  Img_9418
1960s Fratelli Fanciullacci Plant Pot Fragoli or Strawberry  Img_9510
Mamma Lee
Mamma Lee

Female Number of posts : 83
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2020-09-28

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