Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark

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Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Empty Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark

Post by benwilliams October 9th 2023, 9:48 pm

Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark
Tenmoku glaze I think.
I’m never sure when to call a vessel a yunomi - but I think this is a drinking cup.
Mark is a bit of a puzzle. Possibly backwards P and b but with a long line too.
Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Img_2715
Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Img_2714
Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Img_2713

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Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Empty Re: Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark

Post by philpot October 10th 2023, 9:45 am

Inscribed marks are such a pain to collectors! Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark 1f622
This looks a very professional and nicely done piece. But one suspects it has got the old paper label syndrome. When Potters just stuck a label on their work, and it got washed off.

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Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark Empty Re: Studio cup, yunomi, incised mark

Post by NaomiM October 10th 2023, 10:35 am

I think it's more of a beaker than a yunomi. Not a mark I've seen before. French, maybe

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