Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard

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Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Empty Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard

Post by benwilliams October 8th 2023, 5:41 pm

Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile or lizard
Odd - some patterns are raised, some indented.
Maybe moulded? I’m unsure
Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Img_2611
Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Img_2612
Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Img_2610

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Empty Re: Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard

Post by philpot October 9th 2023, 7:45 am

It looks a bit Mexican. But an Ebay piece it probably is not!

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Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard Empty Re: Foreign studio art jug, incised, crocodile, lizard

Post by benwilliams October 9th 2023, 9:44 pm

Thanks Philpot. It came with a lot of other bits but it needs to go again quickly! I was just a bit puzzled by it.

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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