Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

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Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Empty Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

Post by philpot September 28th 2023, 11:43 am

Having had this one on the back of a shelf in the garage, Blow me If I can remember who it is buy! I would be grateful if someone could remind me. Anybody else have this problem when unearthing pieces long in storage? Happy Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Img_1291Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Img_1292Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Img_1293

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Empty Re: Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

Post by NaomiM September 28th 2023, 12:24 pm

I think it’s a CM mark. I’ve seen it before but not finding it atm

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Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Empty Re: Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

Post by NaomiM September 28th 2023, 2:58 pm

Found it in the Marks book. By Jonathan (Jon) Williams, potting in Bath in the 90s, making terracotta garden pots etc

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
Location : Hampshire
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Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Empty Re: Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

Post by philpot September 28th 2023, 3:26 pm

Thank you very much Naomi.

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams Empty Re: Earthenware Vase identity please! CW or CM mark? - Jonathan Williams

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