Is this carafe faking how old it is?

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by David Cooke September 26th 2023, 10:36 am

A friend asked me to identify this carafe, they think it is old.  My initial impression was that it is a modern 60s or 70s design glass moulded with a hole indented in the side (not all the way through)  It has a ship inscribed near the top which is reasonably well done but the date of 1742 looks like it was crudely scratched into the surface with a rusty nail.  I do not know enough to correctly identify this piece, can anyone help please?  Is this carafe faking how old it is? 4558b110
Is this carafe faking how old it is? E16b3911
Is this carafe faking how old it is? Thumbn10
David Cooke
David Cooke

Number of posts : 6
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Registration date : 2023-09-25

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by studio-pots September 27th 2023, 10:45 am

From the photograph it does look to be recent and the way that there has been an attempt to make it look old appears not to be very well done.

Your instinct that it is not old after handling it is helpful but I wouldn't be surprised if it was made this century. Is it heavy or light in weight and is there any ware on the base?

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by David Cooke September 27th 2023, 12:10 pm

Thank you for your response.  The carafe is reasonably heavy and the base is not particularly worn.Is this carafe faking how old it is? Thumbn11
David Cooke
David Cooke

Number of posts : 6
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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by studio-pots September 27th 2023, 10:34 pm

There are just too many bubbles and little signs of wear, which is a give away. Also the design looks as you say mid 20th Century not mid 18th century.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by David Cooke September 28th 2023, 12:12 am

Thank you for taking the time and sharing your knowledge. I will hopefully get someone who can actually nail the ident before I relay the news that my friend”s antique may not be worth a fortune. That said , it’s nice enough and a conversation piece at least.
David Cooke
David Cooke

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by NaomiM September 29th 2023, 2:42 pm

Bubbly glass like this is currently made in Spain and Mexico (and elsewhere) from recycled glass. Some Murano glass makers from the 60s-70s experimented with additives to give a similar affect but not this crude. Glass makers from 2-3 hundred years ago were a lot better than this.

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

Post by David Cooke September 29th 2023, 2:58 pm

Thank you for your time and expertise. My gut feeling was that it wasn’t an undiscovered classic and it’s nice to get some confirmation. I will hopefully leave the topic open a little longer just in case someone has one in their cupboard with a receipt. Thank you again for your help
David Cooke
David Cooke

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Is this carafe faking how old it is? Empty Re: Is this carafe faking how old it is?

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