Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas

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Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Empty Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas

Post by chip69 September 24th 2023, 5:00 pm

Hi All

I have this Studio Pottery Jug With Tenmuko Glaze Accents And Marked J.L

It looks like Jeremy Leach's Mark  but the mark is in isolation with no other marks at all.

Any info gratefully received



Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Img_8822
Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Img_8823
Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Img_8824Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Img_8825

Number of posts : 221
Location : England
Registration date : 2019-01-10

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Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Empty Re: Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas

Post by NaomiM September 24th 2023, 5:27 pm

I think it's John Lomas.
Jeremy usually had a load of marks on his pots

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32196
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Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Empty Re: Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas

Post by chip69 September 25th 2023, 7:58 am

Hi Naomi

Many thanks yet again.


Number of posts : 221
Location : England
Registration date : 2019-01-10

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Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas  Empty Re: Large Studio Pottery Jug, JL mark, With Tenmuko Accents - John Lomas

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