Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

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Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Empty Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

Post by benwilliams September 18th 2023, 3:36 pm

Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, marked
Applied & impressed mark, Unsure of what it says.
Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Img_1510
Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Img_1511
Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Img_1512

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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Empty Re: Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

Post by dantheman September 18th 2023, 11:18 pm

try bluetac to get an impression

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Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Empty Re: Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

Post by benwilliams September 19th 2023, 7:13 am

Mark could be something like EVB. But blue tan made it even more blurry

Number of posts : 2500
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Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Empty Re: Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

Post by philpot September 19th 2023, 10:00 am

The twist handle is rather nicely done. Very professional, What is it tho? The one twist handle must make it fairly awkward to pick up.

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Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?  Empty Re: Studio stoneware dish, twist handle, BB, EVE, EVB or BVB mark?

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