Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

Post by halliz September 16th 2023, 4:49 pm

I found this small ovoid dish (16cm x 13cm) in a junk shop.  It has no marks but I was wondering if the design is recognisable to anyone or is it possibly a student piece?
Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? 20230911
Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? 20230912
Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? 20230910


Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Re: Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

Post by NaomiM September 16th 2023, 8:15 pm

John Harlow maybe

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Re: Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

Post by halliz September 17th 2023, 11:42 am

Thanks Naomi, I can see that as a possibility. Not sure though and suppose it will remain one of those "after John Harlow" even though I have no plans to sell it!

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Re: Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

Post by philpot September 17th 2023, 11:58 am

From experience I learnt NEVER to buy unmarked items. It is just sooooo frustrating, and funnily enough that mag you at the back of your mind far more than more significant items! This type of item usually suffers from the paper label symdrome. Way back then, a lot of potters used a paper label for their items. Which then all fall off in times!

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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Re: Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

Post by halliz September 17th 2023, 12:03 pm

Ah yes I agree but I buy for the love of the item and just have to live with the frustration!  Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? 1f600

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please? Empty Re: Unmarked found in Somerset junk shop - any ideas please?

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