Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?

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Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?  Empty Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?

Post by Neil62 September 15th 2023, 2:48 pm

With NM’s kind assistance two of my ‘problems’ have been resolved which leaves the two ‘pink’ items which I will list separately.
Bud vase - any help at all would be appreciated as I have no clue!Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?  Img_6017
Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?  Img_6015
Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?  Img_6016

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Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?  Empty Re: Unknown maker Bud Base - Greece-Cyprus area?

Post by NaomiM September 15th 2023, 2:55 pm

I think this is a mark I've seen on pottery from the Greek-Crete-Cyprus area


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