Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?

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Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Empty Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?

Post by Pugmill September 14th 2023, 10:42 am

Hi, Does anyone recognise the marks on this slipware saltpig. Best regards Pugmill

Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Img_2172
Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Img_2174
Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Img_2173
Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Img_2175
Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Img_2176

Last edited by Pugmill on September 14th 2023, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Empty Re: Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?

Post by NaomiM September 14th 2023, 12:18 pm

I think it’s Graham Nolan, but the second stamp isn’t his usual oneĀ

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Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Empty Re: Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?

Post by Pugmill September 14th 2023, 12:45 pm

I'm not sure, The second Stamp is very different. Perhaps it's C rather than G. CN or CM.

Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?  Empty Re: Slipware Saltpig with two stamps G? C?

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