Murano, Kralik, unknown!
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Re: Murano, Kralik, unknown!
Way too big and heavy for Kralik. Quite unusual, though not impossible, to find a ground down polished pontil on a Murano piece. Sorry I can't help beyond this.
chasdevlin- Number of posts : 151
Location : orpington
Registration date : 2016-07-26
Re: Murano, Kralik, unknown!
Just to add to the above, I have come across a Kralik Bambus floor vase on Collector's Weekly so ruling it out on the basis of its size was inaccurate. However I don't think Kralik ever did those ground, polished pontils on their bases, so I would still think them unlikely.
chasdevlin- Number of posts : 151
Location : orpington
Registration date : 2016-07-26
Re: Murano, Kralik, unknown!
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my request for information. It seems can rule Kralik out! I'll see if anyone else can throw some light on it - Many thanks.
Daisy90- Number of posts : 2
Location : UK
Registration date : 2023-09-10
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