Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark

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Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Empty Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark

Post by Pugmill September 7th 2023, 4:51 pm

Hi, Can anybody identify the maker of this bowl, with a "Made in West Country" gold label and what looks like either a BP or SP mark.

Thanks Pugmill
Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Img_2139
Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Img_2140
Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Img_2141
Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Img_2142
Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Img_2143

Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark Empty Re: Small 'Made in West Country' labelled bowl with BP or SP mark

Post by philpot September 7th 2023, 5:08 pm

MADE IN WEST COUNTRY suggests it was made very much for the tourist gift market

Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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