St.ives Teapot?

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St.ives Teapot? Empty St.ives Teapot?

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 26th 2023, 6:06 pm

To whom it may concern.
..A fairly worn old beast for I.D

There, looks to be a very faint mark on the underside, not really visible even in the flesh.
Any ideas?

St.ives Teapot? Img_2165
St.ives Teapot? Img_2164
St.ives Teapot? Img_2166

St.ives Teapot? Img_2167
St.ives Teapot? Img_2168
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 202
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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St.ives Teapot? Empty Re: St.ives Teapot?

Post by philpot August 26th 2023, 8:17 pm

It is not St Ives . All their teapots came as part of the Standard ware range and were of uniform design. This is not of that design. The cane handle is very 1970's.

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Registration date : 2010-11-06

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St.ives Teapot? Empty Re: St.ives Teapot?

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 26th 2023, 9:06 pm

philpot wrote:It is not St Ives . All their teapots came as part of the Standard ware range and were of uniform design. This is not of that design. The cane handle is very 1970's.

Ah, excuse the title please.
And thanks for that info.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 202
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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St.ives Teapot? Empty Re: St.ives Teapot?

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