1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker?

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1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? Empty 1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker?

Post by Windy August 22nd 2023, 2:52 pm

Can anyone help identify the maker of this.
It is dated 1979.
Thanks for any help anyone can give.1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? 20230810
1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? 20230811

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Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-11-26

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1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? Empty Re: 1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker?

Post by NaomiM August 22nd 2023, 5:10 pm

Unfortunately not a mark I’ve come across before

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1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? Empty Re: 1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker?

Post by Potty August 22nd 2023, 8:15 pm

Very similar to Seven Springs Pottery, wondering if there may be a connection.

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

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1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker? Empty Re: 1979 studio pottery lorry, BJS mark, unknown maker?

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