Jeremy Leach marks query
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Re: Jeremy Leach marks query
It’ll be other potters he puts with but I’m not sure who. I see a lot of his work with various other initials and marks.
benwilliams- Number of posts : 2529
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Re: Jeremy Leach marks query
The RT maybe for Robert Tinnyunt
Pugmill- Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05
Re: Jeremy Leach marks query
Some of the marks were just added in homage to other potters, but Jeremy would have made it. I’ve not seen the MRRT mark before
Carrot cake is just fake cake
benwilliams- Number of posts : 2529
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Re: Jeremy Leach marks query
The M mark, accordingly to Jeremy on a day that I say him stood for Matilda - he has a small pottery on the edge of the moors a few miles from Lowerdown that he named after his great aunt!
I always enjoyed meeting Jeremy but like one of his brothers said to me, "he's as mad as a bag of frogs".
I always enjoyed meeting Jeremy but like one of his brothers said to me, "he's as mad as a bag of frogs".
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
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