Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 17th 2023, 3:59 pm

I have a polychrome glazed vase reminiscent of the type of decoration by Linthorpe. The only mark that I can see is ‘ENGLAND’ which is partially obscured. It has an Aesthetic Movement look about it… Could it be a Dresser design for Linthorpe? Anyone? ThanksCould it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? 74a2d210
Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? 062c7b10
Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? 631eac10

Number of posts : 495
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Registration date : 2016-05-04

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by denbydump August 17th 2023, 4:06 pm

I have already handled this piece. I'm 99% sure it's Bretby pottery.

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 17th 2023, 4:36 pm

Only 99%? Interesting… had a look at Bretby and see what you mean. The spill over on the base looks the same. I can’t find this shape though, looks a bit Dresser esque, did he design for Bretby? I know he did for Ault

Number of posts : 495
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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 17th 2023, 5:39 pm

Found one on the V&A website. Attributed to Henry Tooth for Linthorpe. It has the same drip glaze.

NOTE: Admin. had to delete the image as it breaks copyright law.

Number of posts : 495
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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by 22 Crawford St. August 17th 2023, 6:39 pm

You can post a link
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by denbydump August 17th 2023, 6:43 pm

Well if it had a Bretby mark I would say 100%!
As far as I know all Lithorpe was glazed underneath as was Ault.
The Blue glaze is slightly unusual for Bretby, as for the shape, well they
registered thousands of designs during their existence. I have, or have
seen many art pots with just this England mark, which is in the Bretby book.

Number of posts : 7381
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 17th 2023, 7:08 pm

Ok, fair enough, I’ll go with Bretby and keep looking for that 1%. Thanks dd.

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 19th 2023, 2:00 pm

Found this vase with the same glazed decoration. By Henry Tooth for Linthorpe

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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

Post by CharlieC August 19th 2023, 2:13 pm

Can’t find a single Bretby vase with this distinct single colour drip type decoration. They’re either mottled, blended colours or monochrome glazed. I’m only going on what I see and wonder if this may have been an early experimental piece??

Number of posts : 495
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Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery? Empty Re: Could it be Linthorpe Art Pottery?

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