A Jug, or Pitcher.? WM or EB or BB mark

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A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Empty A Jug, or Pitcher.? WM or EB or BB mark

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 15th 2023, 3:10 am

Now, someone has made this jug.
Someone, I'm presuming the maker, has somewhat egotisticaly carved their intials into the clay at the base..
I'd guess that could be an indication of their full name..
Does anyone know who might have done such a thing?

A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2134
A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2135
A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2136

A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2138
A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2139
A Jug, or Pitcher.?  WM or EB or BB mark Img_2137
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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