Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

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Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  Empty Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

Post by Wynyardr August 6th 2023, 8:15 pm


Picked up this lovely jug/pitcher today, marked 69 but also in pencil it reads 'So 1970'. Feels really substantial and well made, would love to know more about it if possible.


Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  20230815
Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  20230816

Number of posts : 97
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-03-07

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Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  Empty Re: Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

Post by NaomiM August 6th 2023, 8:36 pm

My first thought is Vallauris, although Hungary & Bulgaria are also possible

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  Empty Re: Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

Post by Wynyardr August 6th 2023, 9:19 pm

Just adding another photo of the pitcher: Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  20230817

The closest I have found is one if you were to search "Biscueras, La Bisbal, ceramic pitcher" but different stamps.

Number of posts : 97
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-03-07

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Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  Empty Re: Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

Post by tenpot August 7th 2023, 2:08 pm

there are a lot of potteries at La Bisbal

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Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?  Empty Re: Studio Pottery Pitcher Jug Marked 69 So 1970, La Bisbal?

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