Leach Pottery-Lemonade Jug??
3 posters
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trefor_d- Number of posts : 269
Location : Manchester
Registration date : 2022-05-17
Re: Leach Pottery-Lemonade Jug??
Its a leach standardware coffee pot. Missing its lid.
Pugmill- Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05
Re: Leach Pottery-Lemonade Jug??
Looks like I'm in the market for a lid !!!!!!
trefor_d- Number of posts : 269
Location : Manchester
Registration date : 2022-05-17
Re: Leach Pottery-Lemonade Jug??
There is a Standard ware list when you scroll down. They did sveral types of jugs and pitchers. But this is a coffee pot, as it is somewhat squatter than the others. Mind you, there would most likely have been Instant Nescafe or Maxwell House in it!
There is a Standard ware list when you scroll down. They did sveral types of jugs and pitchers. But this is a coffee pot, as it is somewhat squatter than the others. Mind you, there would most likely have been Instant Nescafe or Maxwell House in it!
philpot- Number of posts : 6734
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Leach Pottery-Lemonade Jug??
Cheers Phil
trefor_d- Number of posts : 269
Location : Manchester
Registration date : 2022-05-17
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