Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands

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Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Empty Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands

Post by Roobarb July 16th 2023, 12:09 pm

Hello, the mark looks like it could be a fish, or could be an M? any ideas on maker much appreciated. Thank you...

Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Img_1717
Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Img_1716
Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Img_1715
Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Img_1718

Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03

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Large Charger Incised Fish, M Mark - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands Empty Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands, EM mark

Post by Roobarb July 18th 2023, 9:52 pm

Solved - Ed Meissenberg, Netherlands. EM Mark

Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03

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