Sarah Rooms-Heaphy

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Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Empty Sarah Rooms-Heaphy

Post by NaomiM July 1st 2023, 11:10 pm

Sarah Rooms-Heaphy, Hertfordshire, via Potfest 2023 at Compton Verney

Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Img_3463

Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Img_3515

Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Img_3464

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Empty Re: Sarah Rooms-Heaphy

Post by philpot July 3rd 2023, 11:11 am

Thanks very much for these photos Naomi. As ever at a lot of these shows, some very nice work. I wonder if we are seeing any stars of the future here?

Number of posts : 6733
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Sarah Rooms-Heaphy  Empty Re: Sarah Rooms-Heaphy

Post by NaomiM July 3rd 2023, 11:27 am

I think there are some worthy replacements for the old guard of Malone, Dodd and Bayer. And exciting new work from James Hake, Tim Copsey and Sarah Rooms Heapy. Christy Keeney is on my wish list. A couple of new names I’d been following online but they work ‘in the flesh’ was disappointing; not enough practice throwing, or way overpriced. 
Iit’s a shame there’s no ‘unifying’ show like Hatfield Art in Clay any more. Instead there are now 8 Potfests around the country; I hope they rotate the potters so we don’t have to travel too far to see them all.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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