MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

Post by Desert Collector July 1st 2023, 1:25 am

I have a pottery lamp that is stamped on the bottom with "Denmark" an "H" and "50". The lamp is mid century modern and has a dark green glaze and stamped marks similar to Aldo Londi pieces. I am having difficulty identifying the maker and the identity of the "H". I would appreciate any help. Did Aldo Londi make pieces for a Denmark maker?
Thanks, Ed

MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Img_5715
MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Img_5714
MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Img_5713
Desert Collector
Desert Collector

Number of posts : 34
Location : U.S.
Registration date : 2017-11-06

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty Re: MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

Post by PhilosophiaSB July 4th 2023, 7:37 am

it is a Hanne Stentoj Denmark lamp

Female Number of posts : 208
Age : 50
Location : Transylvania, Romania
Registration date : 2022-07-15

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty Re: MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

Post by Desert Collector July 4th 2023, 7:51 am

Thank you. With your information I was able to find another that verifies the name. "Hanne Stentoj Denmark"
Thank you again
Desert Collector
Desert Collector

Number of posts : 34
Location : U.S.
Registration date : 2017-11-06

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty Re: MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

Post by PhilosophiaSB July 4th 2023, 8:01 am

you"re welcome ! i spent an entire day looking for a similar H Denmark :) it was Hanne Salamon, in my case , almost identical with yours

Female Number of posts : 208
Age : 50
Location : Transylvania, Romania
Registration date : 2022-07-15

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty Re: MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

Post by Desert Collector July 4th 2023, 8:29 am

I hope that I can help someone like you helped me. Thank you again. The information is much appreciated.
Desert Collector
Desert Collector

Number of posts : 34
Location : U.S.
Registration date : 2017-11-06

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MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj  Empty Re: MCM Lamp Denmark "H" - Hanne Stentoj

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