Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark

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Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark  Empty Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark

Post by benwilliams June 23rd 2023, 9:08 am

Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and other mark
Stoneware, speckled glazing
Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark  2bb57c10
Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark  498f3410
Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark  96f8ab10

Number of posts : 2423
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark  Empty Re: Large studio bowl and ladle, cross and PL or DL mark

Post by NaomiM June 23rd 2023, 1:00 pm

We've had the DL / PL mark before but still a mystery. There's a small chance it's an unrecorded mark for Dennis Lane

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32177
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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