Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 20th 2023, 6:04 pm

Bought recently - I liked the pot even though I couldn’t find the maker ……so impulsively I bought it thinking I would find it later……I can’t.
I’ve tried CA, CD, UA, UD, GA, GD on the search engine to no avail - I’ve looked at the Cardew’s …no joy.
I’ve got it into my head there is a tiny piece centrally above the ‘C’ so thought it may be a bell or some object rather than initials but I have run out of ideas …….so any assistance would be gratefully received.
I would describe it as a Chawan or large Yunomi.

Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Img_3910
Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Img_3912
Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Yunomi14

Male Number of posts : 403
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Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 21st 2023, 1:19 pm

Having looked at the mark on the photo it’s not as clear as it might be so I’ve tried to make it clearer and my interpretation of it which may or may not help!
Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Image52

Male Number of posts : 403
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Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by NaomiM June 23rd 2023, 1:45 am

I believe it’s Japanese. The mark is similar to that of Takeshi Yasuda 

Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Img_3110

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 23rd 2023, 5:02 am

I have said this before but it is as if the mists have been lifted.
I have a few pieces by Yasuda and they all have the sort of oval with an X in them - attached. I looked on BISPM and could only see a similar mark. Is the photograph you posted an earlier mark for him?
Irrespective of that your information made me smile and gladdened the heart ……the reason being I put this piece next to the yunomis Of his I had but……didn’t even see the resemblance (I’m not saying it’s his work!) but looking at it now I can see the resemblance in form so thank you and it gives me something to work with!
If I could just ask is the mark you posted an early mark by Yasuda?
Kind regards
Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Img_4019
Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Img_4018

Male Number of posts : 403
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by NaomiM June 23rd 2023, 12:17 pm

Tbh I was just looking through marks with triangles

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 23rd 2023, 12:33 pm

Hi Naomi,
Many thanks - it seems to have come together from you mr suggestion to Ray Toms to Sandy Brown to Hajeong Lee Rogers who very confidently said (in fairness so did the others)  erm early Yasuda ash glaze over stoneware.
Then to cap it Rob sent me this link and apologised about its length!


It’s called teamwork by everyone else and unfortunately I’m the only beneficiary but I am grateful!
Kind regards

Male Number of posts : 403
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 23rd 2023, 12:39 pm

Just looked at the link which was to a pin on Pinterest……….there’s no wonder you recognised it Naomi!
I’m just happy it got identified and thanks - I did send an e mail to Mr Yasuda but from what’s been said it’s doubtful he will reply - if he does I will update the post!

Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Takesh10

Male Number of posts : 403
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Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by NaomiM June 23rd 2023, 12:46 pm

The Pinterest photo is off Maak Gallery so that's pretty conclusive

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 23rd 2023, 1:11 pm

You will do for me young lady!!!

Male Number of posts : 403
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Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by studio-pots June 24th 2023, 9:48 am

I had some of his work like this years ago, some were marked like this and others unmarked but with this type of decoration. At the time, I think it dated to his time working near South Molton in Devon i.e. 1985-93

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 24th 2023, 10:05 am

studio-pots wrote:I had some of his work like this years ago, some were marked like this and others unmarked but with this type of decoration. At the time, I think it dated to his time working near South Molton in Devon i.e. 1985-93

Good morning Studio,
Thanks for your input.
I posted this Yunomi on the Japanese ID website as a result of a suggestion by Naomi and as a result of a suggestion from Mr Toms I messaged a woman called Sandy Brown who was with Mr Yasuda in the late 70’s early 80’s, she is an artist herself (knowing your knowledge base - I suspect you will know that!!) and she confirmed that he used this mark then which fits in with the start of your period.
Bizarrely I bought it because it reminded me of something but couldn’t remember what it was - only after Naomi’s suggested ID I realised, though the clay and glaze used were totally different, I have four yunomis of the same size, proportions and two with the Slipware trailing on them very similar by……. mr Yasuda and I’d been staring at them every day for months!!!

I later found four pieces sold at Maak over the years with the same mark.

Male Number of posts : 403
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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by studio-pots June 24th 2023, 10:08 am

The ceramic artist, Sandy Brown, was married to him at the time. The person that I bought mine from (back in the 1990s) had bought them from near South Molton, but they were "clearance items" of stock at the time that Yasuda had put out and so likely would have been old stock from years before.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda  Empty Re: Japanese yunomi with triangle mark - Takeshi Yasuda

Post by Neil62 June 24th 2023, 10:15 am

studio-pots wrote:The ceramic artist, Sandy Brown, was married to him at the time.

I hedged my bets Studio and didn’t want to probe further!!!!
But Sandy Brown was extremely helpful, genuine and all round good egg!!

Male Number of posts : 403
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