Bill Longley, England and Australia

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Bill Longley, England and Australia  Empty Bill Longley, England and Australia

Post by NaomiM June 6th 2023, 1:01 am

Vase signed Bill Longley. According to and Flickr website of Australian pottery marks, Longley worked at Kingwood Pottery in the 1940s-50s and then joined the Royal Air Force. In 1975 he returned to potting and in 1977 took over Penderleath Pottery from Anthony and Christine Richards. Bill potted there until 1981 before moving to Australia and potting in Pakenham and Melbourne.

Bill Longley, England and Australia  Img_0819Bill Longley, England and Australia  Img_0818Bill Longley, England and Australia  Img_0817

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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