Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ??

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Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? Empty Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ??

Post by LEGSY May 13th 2023, 1:28 pm

Large piece of pottery sadly no markings to it and have not been able to
find out anything i thought it might have been tupton but sadly not i think
would anybody recognize where it was made i do not thing it is very old at
all? And measures 10.5 " in height thank you for looking..Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? P1010622
Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? P1010623
Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? P1010621

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Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? Empty Re: Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ??

Post by abstract*toad May 13th 2023, 5:09 pm

The flowers are quite nice and I can see why you thought Tupton.
Looks modern, like you say.
Maybe someone on a night class, possibly inspired by Moorcroft (or Tupton).

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Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? Empty Re: Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ??

Post by NaomiM May 13th 2023, 10:17 pm

I suspect it’s a recent Asian import

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ?? Empty Re: Tube lined pottery vase un marked makers ??

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