Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China

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Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China Empty Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China

Post by crunchberry Sun May 07, 2023 1:06 am

Sorry if the photos are a little dark. I've had this bowl for many years but I've never been able to figure out the mark. Style looks like it could be eastern? The mark could depict a number of different letters or symbols. Anyone recognize this?


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Location : New York City
Registration date : 2022-08-20

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Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China Empty Re: Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China

Post by NaomiM Sun May 07, 2023 10:40 am

Looks early Chinese Qianlong ware, or 'kitchen Qing'. 18th or 19th Century

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Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China Empty Re: Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China

Post by crunchberry Sun May 07, 2023 8:15 pm

NaomiM wrote:Looks early Chinese Qianlong ware, or 'kitchen Qing'. 18th or 19th Century
Thanks for the lead! I didn't consider it could be that old.

I wish I could learn more about eastern pottery but I find it extra challenging not having a grasp of the language and letter characters. And then on top of that deciphering the real ones from the replicas and fakes. I have a few Sothebys and Christies catalogs for eastern events I saved because they can be so beautiful to look through.

Number of posts : 18
Location : New York City
Registration date : 2022-08-20

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Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China Empty Re: Mystery bowl I've had for years - Qianlong ware, China

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