Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey

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Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey   Empty Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey

Post by NaomiM May 2nd 2023, 3:23 pm

In 1968 Jess Val Baker moved to the Wheelcat Pottery in Fowey, renaming it the Millstream Pottery until her retirement in 1972 when the pottery was taken over by Gill Hilston

Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey   Gill_h13

Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey   Gill_h11 Gill Hilston, Millstream Pottery, Fowey   Gill_h12

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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