Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

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Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Empty Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

Post by halliz April 8th 2023, 1:28 pm

I feel I should know this mark but am without my marks book and was not successful on BISPM. It is 25cms tall
Any help greatly appreciated.  Many thanks
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230410
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230411
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230412
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230415
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230413
Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? 20230414

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Empty Re: Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

Post by NaomiM April 8th 2023, 2:06 pm

I've come across the mark a few times but still a mystery

Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Aatmar10

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Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Empty Re: Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

Post by halliz April 8th 2023, 2:09 pm

Thanks Naomi. At least I am not missing something obvious!

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Empty Re: Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

Post by NaomiM April 8th 2023, 8:28 pm

Possibly French or Scandinavian

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32088
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Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond? Empty Re: Winchcombe style, small AW mark? TKA or ATA mark? - Trevor Almond?

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