Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

Post by Cat March 31st 2023, 8:12 pm

Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Pkkove10

Hi, does anyone recognise this mark? No idea if British or not....

Number of posts : 31
Location : Poole
Registration date : 2023-03-23

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Re: Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

Post by potterymad62 March 31st 2023, 8:46 pm

Picture of the whole pot would be good, helps with the ID, cheers.

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Re: Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

Post by Cat April 1st 2023, 12:23 pm

Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Img_4810
Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Img_4812
Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Img_4811

Thanks for your reply. It's a general green glazed bowl, I think stoneware. I've no idea if old or modern or where it's from. It was from a job lot of pottery at auction. I've searched the net trying to finds out from the stamp but got no where. Even some guesses would help and be much appreciated!

Number of posts : 31
Location : Poole
Registration date : 2023-03-23

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Re: Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

Post by NaomiM April 1st 2023, 12:35 pm

Looks like there's an MW? mark on it too. Is it written in marker pen? If it didn't have the boat stamp I'd have said Asian, maybe Korean.

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Re: Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

Post by Cat April 1st 2023, 12:43 pm

Hi, yes there's an M and a W written there, as well as possibly something else that has been worn off as the base has worn a little. I've no idea if it was written at the same time as the piece... The glaze has lots of crazing but I know that doesn't necessarily mean it's of any age! I'm been typing all kinds of variations to try and find the stamp online but getting no where.... I'll try looking up some Korean base marks, thanks!

Number of posts : 31
Location : Poole
Registration date : 2023-03-23

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Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark?? Empty Re: Pottery mark with waves/boat/P mark??

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