Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach)

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Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) Empty Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach)

Post by benwilliams March 29th 2023, 10:34 am

Jeremy Leach tankard JL and unknown mark
I see all sorts of marks on Jeremy Leach pots.
I’ve not seen this decoration design of tankard before and I don’t recognise the other mark.it’s like a curly E& mark. Possibly a slightly older piece than some I see.
Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) A92f1810

Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) 6f9ab810

Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) D7126510

Number of posts : 2434
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) Empty Re: Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach)

Post by NaomiM March 29th 2023, 11:33 am

I’ve come across this pair of marks several times but still a mystery. Unlikely to be Jeremy Leach, tbh. It’s closer to John Lomas’ mark but his was in a square, and no mention of him working in a pottery other than his own. 
The EP mark could be the Pottery‘s mark. It’s also been paired with an AR mark
Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) 0fbafa10

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Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach) Empty Re: Tankard JL mark and EP mark (not Jeremy Leach)

Post by benwilliams March 29th 2023, 3:00 pm

Thanks Naomi. I thought it would be Jeremy Leach as there are so many pieces with JL and other marks. But it’s different in style and body to what I’ve seen before. So you’re probably right it’s someone else. A mystery for a bit longer.

Number of posts : 2434
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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