Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International

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Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International Empty Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International

Post by potterymad62 February 15th 2023, 4:48 pm

Sold many of the porcelain animal figurines and seem very popular, my query here is, are these produced in China/Japan and exported internationally or produced in the UK for export. I can find no info of the maker J R International online and they don't turn up often. I have sold them on Etsy and these are the only ones that come up in search results so I know about these. Date: Circa 1950's-60's or 70's msybe.

Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International Pxl_2324
Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International Pxl_2325
Pottery Faun/Young Deer J R International Pxl_2326

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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