Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by hadfield February 14th 2023, 8:09 pm

Got a few pieces of raku base marked D H C i think. Bought them years ago but have no record off who. Think it was a Scottish potter.
Anyone recognise this work.

Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Dh_112
Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Dh_312
Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Dh_412Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Dh_510

Last edited by NaomiM on July 26th 2023, 11:37 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add photo)

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by NaomiM February 14th 2023, 8:11 pm

DN or DNC or DNO maybe. Is the mark incised? Can you post some more photos of the marks

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by hadfield February 14th 2023, 8:29 pm

Hi Naomi
Found a better mark on another piece looks like DHC

Male Number of posts : 106
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Registration date : 2020-06-19

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by hadfield February 14th 2023, 8:29 pm

It is impressed

Male Number of posts : 106
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-06-19

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by NaomiM February 14th 2023, 10:05 pm

Cheers :) The teapot looks very familiar but I’m not finding it at the moment

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Female Number of posts : 32456
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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by hadfield February 15th 2023, 9:37 am

Hi Naomi
I spent days trying to track DH and dhc , got led astray with DH too many times but dead end with dhc. Pretty sure it was a scottish potter and i bought about 6 pieces directly off him but lost all the paperwork..about 15 to 20 years ago
Good luck with your search any help much appreciated

Male Number of posts : 106
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Registration date : 2020-06-19

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty David Holmes Ceramics

Post by Joejoe3d July 26th 2023, 11:34 am

This is DHC - David Holmes Ceramics, who worked out of the Elwick Mill, Orkney.

I bought a couple of pieces from him via eBay about 10 years ago and just went through my feedback to find the details. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2015.

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by NaomiM July 26th 2023, 11:36 am

That’s great, thank you  Most Excellent

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

Post by hadfield July 26th 2023, 3:22 pm

Thank you for the info definitely david holmes. Was not aware he had passed away.
His Raku work was excellent quality and i have quite a few peices of his.
Thanks again

Male Number of posts : 106
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Registration date : 2020-06-19

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Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney  Empty Re: Raku DH or DHC mark - David Holmes Ceramics, Orkney

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