Possible Bisque figures?

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Possible Bisque figures? Empty Possible Bisque figures?

Post by Zuberii January 31st 2023, 8:14 pm


I’ve recently been around my grandparents and they were talking about the sculpts below. They were my grandfathers grandparents so looking at late 19th century. They mentioned they are spills used for holding paper to light fires before matches.

They seemed interested to know more about them so I took some photos and have been doing reverse image searches. So far from what I’ve found they look like blisque figures, but not seen any that are the same as these. Just wondering if anyone can confirm what these are.

Other information I know is more than likely British made and seem unglazed from what I can remember. If there are any other questions that would help I’ll do my best to answer them.

Many thanks in advance.

Possible Bisque figures? 5ae4f910
Possible Bisque figures? 9e1e5410

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Registration date : 2023-01-30

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Possible Bisque figures? Empty Re: Possible Bisque figures?

Post by PhilosophiaSB January 31st 2023, 8:31 pm

These are BISQUE or BISCUIT figures. It is about a matte, unglazed porcelain which was very used in Europe for producing decorative items.
Spill vases was used in victorian times and Germany produced a lot of these figures. They are collectable and not very expensive.

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Possible Bisque figures? Empty Re: Possible Bisque figures?

Post by NaomiM February 1st 2023, 6:57 pm

They might be German or Austrian figures, or Asian copies of German figures. If they were original German ones then I'd expect there to be a manufacturer's stamp or stamped pattern numbers

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