Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique?

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Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Empty Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique?

Post by ClaraIreland2 December 30th 2022, 4:03 pm

Good afternoon, I have a small mystery fluted bowl. I bought it some time ago and thought it might be a Pinxton but really have no idea. The decoration is hand painted and in relief. There are no marks on the underside.

Can an expert advise on its age and origins please, many thanks for your kind advice, regards

Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Dscn9110
Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Dscn9111
Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Dscn9112

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Registration date : 2014-01-27

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Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Empty Re: Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique?

Post by NaomiM December 30th 2022, 5:25 pm

Looks late 18th-early 19th Century. Possibly New Hall because of the fineness of the decoration, although there were factories like Keeling making similar pieces at the time.

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Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Empty Re: Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique?

Post by RoyJ99 January 1st 2023, 10:46 pm

Chinese famille rose saucer circa 1780.

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Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique? Empty Re: Hand Painted fluted Bowl - Chinese or British Antique?

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