Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.

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Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  Empty Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.

Post by MagdalenaK November 26th 2022, 7:09 pm

Any information regarding the below goblet, bowl? will be greatly appreciated. Its 18cm tall, it feels well made and the glass feels robust and its quite thick. Thank you in advance. Magdalena Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  F068bd10
Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  Aebf5010
Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  43cc0f10

Number of posts : 7
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-11-26

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Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  Empty Re: Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.

Post by denbydump November 26th 2022, 11:08 pm

Looks like Victorian Milk glass. Possibly Sowerby?

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Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  Empty Re: Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.

Post by MagdalenaK November 26th 2022, 11:41 pm

Thank you.

Number of posts : 7
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-11-26

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Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.  Empty Re: Milk glass goblet or bowl? Art Deco? Textured, pressed glass? Pls help.

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