Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)

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Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  Empty Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)

Post by Thejaderooms November 11th 2022, 10:09 am

Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  79050410
Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  B6fa5b10
Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  E12f4210Could anyone give me information on stow on the wold Pottery please?

Number of posts : 59
Location : Oxfordshire
Registration date : 2022-08-09

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Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  Empty Re: Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)

Post by NaomiM November 11th 2022, 11:40 am

I wonder if it’s by Chris Latham. He was at Stow on the Wold in 1984-94

Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  40300f10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  Empty Re: Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)

Post by Thejaderooms November 11th 2022, 11:42 am

Hello, thank you for your response, that is the only name that keeps popping up and actually that jug has a similar design style so I will explore that Avenue! Thank you!

Chris Latham says it's not one of his

Number of posts : 59
Location : Oxfordshire
Registration date : 2022-08-09

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Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)  Empty Re: Stow on the wold Pottery, Gloucestershire (not Chris Latham)

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