Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

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Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  Empty Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

Post by StudioAt21 October 14th 2022, 8:00 am

Hi there, unsure if this is even remotely identifiable!
No monogram just little etched swirl in base. Very nicely made and delicate bowl.

Thanks Ali

Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  20221014

Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  20221015

Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  20221013

Number of posts : 16
Location : East Sussex
Registration date : 2022-07-19

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Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  Empty Re: Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

Post by StudioAt21 October 14th 2022, 8:02 am

Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  20221016

Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  20221017


Number of posts : 16
Location : East Sussex
Registration date : 2022-07-19

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Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  Empty Re: Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

Post by NaomiM October 14th 2022, 1:21 pm

I think it's a student piece, or glaze test. The glaze inside has crawled

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32690
Location : Hampshire
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Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  Empty Re: Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

Post by StudioAt21 October 20th 2022, 8:15 am

Thank you Naomi, as I'm not a Potter myself (yet) I'm sometimes lost on the nuances.

Number of posts : 16
Location : East Sussex
Registration date : 2022-07-19

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Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base  Empty Re: Bowl Unsigned - light swirl etched in base

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