Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark....

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Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark.... Empty Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark....

Post by Sbro October 13th 2022, 7:52 am

Dear Forum,

3 Tea Cups all incised with the same makers mark which I cannot identify and would appreciate any help that can be given...

All 3 cups are approx 2.5" in height and of thin construction to the body.

Thanks in advance...

Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark.... Img_2226

Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark.... Img_2224

Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark.... Img_2225

Number of posts : 443
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark.... Empty Re: Set of 3 Tea Cups - Cannot Identify MM Mark....

Post by Sbro October 13th 2022, 5:01 pm

Been suggested to me that mark could be using two letters out of m,n,u,v or w or is more abstract. I’m getting my strong specs out now :)

Number of posts : 443
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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