Small 1950s-60s table lamp.

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Small 1950s-60s table lamp. Empty Small 1950s-60s table lamp.

Post by njw October 9th 2022, 6:39 pm

Has an Italian look, but the hole in the top was for an old standard UK 1/2" tube, so possibly British.

Ignore the fittings as they're all new.

Any help identifying gratefully received.

Small 1950s-60s table lamp. 112
Small 1950s-60s table lamp. 212
Small 1950s-60s table lamp. 412

Number of posts : 15
Location : UK
Registration date : 2017-11-17

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Small 1950s-60s table lamp. Empty Re: Small 1950s-60s table lamp.

Post by denbydump October 9th 2022, 10:24 pm

With the terracotta clay I would suggest not British, looks more Italian.

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Small 1950s-60s table lamp. Empty Re: Small 1950s-60s table lamp.

Post by njw October 10th 2022, 2:13 am

Thanks. It was my first inclination.

It could, of course, have been made in Italy for the British market, explaining the wide hole at the top of the lamp.

Number of posts : 15
Location : UK
Registration date : 2017-11-17

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Small 1950s-60s table lamp. Empty Re: Small 1950s-60s table lamp.

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