Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

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Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Empty Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

Post by halliz September 30th 2022, 7:06 pm

I have just rescued an Aldermaston vase from its conversion into a lamp (thankfully without drilling a flex hole and fairly reversibly) which seems to have the marks of both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley on it. Was that common with Aldermaston pottery that it was two potters work?

Number of posts : 88
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Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Empty Re: Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

Post by NaomiM September 30th 2022, 7:51 pm

It’s uncommon but not impossible. But I’ve not seen an example of Bailey’s Aldermaston mark. It’s possible it’s a glaze code instead. We’d need to see photos to be sure.

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Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Empty Re: Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

Post by halliz September 30th 2022, 8:19 pm

Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Img-2011
Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Img-2010Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks 20220973

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Empty Re: Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

Post by NaomiM September 30th 2022, 10:07 pm

You’re right, both their marks. I guess one threw it and the other decorated it

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Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks Empty Re: Vase with both Edgar Campden and Christopher Bayley marks

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