Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe

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Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Empty Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe

Post by NaomiM September 3rd 2022, 1:51 am

Unmarked carving of a pair of birds. Can’t decide if it’s Inuit or Shona. Seems to have elements of both.

Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  B1c02d10
Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Ddc73010
Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  42fa6f10

Last edited by NaomiM on September 5th 2022, 4:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Empty Re: Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe

Post by tenpot September 3rd 2022, 11:30 am

the bird must be a clue unless it migrates from africa to the arctic Happy

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Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Empty Re: Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe

Post by NaomiM September 5th 2022, 4:15 am

They may be a bit too stylised to be able to identify the species Pondering
Looks like Brazilian soapstone. Sometimes used by current Inuit carvers

Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  A6e08910

Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  304ba710

Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Df307310 Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Cabf7010

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe  Empty Re: Birds stone sculpture. Inuit carving or Shona, Zimbabwe

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