Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland

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Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  Empty Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland

Post by benwilliams August 6th 2022, 3:26 pm

Ireland studio stoneware pottery fish plate F & PW
Landscape with fish, houses, seagulls
Lustrous glaze.
There were 2 similar plaques on eBay but I can’t see the listing any more.
Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  C10d9810
Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  84c5c610
Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  607a7b10

Number of posts : 2434
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  Empty Re: Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland

Post by NaomiM August 10th 2022, 11:45 pm

It's by Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Cork, Ireland. They made stoneware and porcelain items in the 1970s-2010s. Not sure if they're still potting. Peter had a website 2017-19 but it's now offline

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  Empty Re: Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland

Post by benwilliams August 11th 2022, 7:19 pm

We’ll done - thanks so much Naomi.

Number of posts : 2434
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland  Empty Re: Fish plate F & PW - Peter and Fran Wolstenholme, Courtmacsherry, Ireland

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