Andrew Matheson

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Andrew Matheson Empty Andrew Matheson

Post by tudorrose October 29th 2009, 6:04 pm


I have posted this pot, which is a Andrew Matheson who is based in Lichfield Staffordshire. I adore it, it reminds us of the milky way...... However, I find the mark confusing, which leads me to ask:-

Where do I find a comprehensive list of pottery names and marks? Mike was informed by Mr Matheson that his name was documented on the "marks" list, but I cannot find it.

Also on previous occasions someone assumed I had gone through a pottery mark book?

Can anyone enlighten me please. All I want to do is look up a set of initial or go through a list. I have tried but he is not on there.

Sorry if I have posted in the wrong place, Sharron

Female Number of posts : 14
Location : Staffordshire
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by tudorrose October 29th 2009, 7:11 pm

Andrew Matheson Dscf1019

Andrew Matheson Dscf1020

Female Number of posts : 14
Location : Staffordshire
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by Davee October 29th 2009, 7:19 pm

Last year I found a whole range of storage jars and bowls by Andrew Matheson in a charity shop! Extremely accomplished studio pottery with nice tenmoku glazes.

Male Number of posts : 2211
Age : 54
Location : West Mids UK
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by big ed October 29th 2009, 7:37 pm

tudorrose wrote:Hi,

I have posted this pot, which is a Andrew Matheson who is based in Lichfield Staffordshire. I adore it, it reminds us of the milky way...... However, I find the mark confusing, which leads me to ask:-

Where do I find a comprehensive list of pottery names and marks? Mike was informed by Mr Matheson that his name was documented on the "marks" list, but I cannot find it.

Also on previous occasions someone assumed I had gone through a pottery mark book?

Can anyone enlighten me please. All I want to do is look up a set of initial or go through a list. I have tried but he is not on there.

Sorry if I have posted in the wrong place, Sharron

The book British studio potters marks ,by Robert Fournier has over 700 pages (including matheson), loads of initials are in the book ,but that still doesn't even come close to Id'ing all the marks out there , that i am afraid is an impossibility.
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
Age : 70
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Registration date : 2008-03-22

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Andrew Matheson Empty Porcelain charger - Andrew Matheson

Post by denbydump October 8th 2016, 1:19 pm

A heavy porcelain charger 10.5 in diameter with distinctive decoration.
The best guess is HA, but it could be something else.

Andrew Matheson 100_3262

Andrew Matheson 100_3263

Number of posts : 7366
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by Davee November 1st 2017, 10:03 am

Tenmoku glazed Andrew Matheson Teapot

Andrew Matheson P1030110

Andrew Matheson P1030112

Andrew Matheson P1030111

Andrew Matheson P1030114

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

Male Number of posts : 2211
Age : 54
Location : West Mids UK
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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Andrew Matheson Empty Crackle glaze raku bowl - signed Andrew Matheson

Post by jonbearwood February 10th 2018, 4:15 pm

Bit of a long shot this one but does anyone recognise this monogram? I'm guessing Japanese?

Andrew Matheson Image210
Andrew Matheson Image310

Number of posts : 53
Location : bearwood
Registration date : 2012-04-03

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by Davee February 11th 2018, 6:08 pm

Andrew Matheson - Lichfield. It hasn't travelled far!

See thread:

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

Male Number of posts : 2211
Age : 54
Location : West Mids UK
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by jonbearwood February 12th 2018, 9:43 am

Thanks for the successful ID Dave. It really is a lovely piece - looking forward to discovering more about this potters work. I was fortunate in that the bowl had a companion piece by the same artist. I've added a picture below.

Andrew Matheson Img_4310

Number of posts : 53
Location : bearwood
Registration date : 2012-04-03

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

Post by Davee February 12th 2018, 8:44 pm

You'll have to pop over to Lichfield, his studio is usually open to visitors and is located in the city centre so easily accessible.

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

Male Number of posts : 2211
Age : 54
Location : West Mids UK
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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Andrew Matheson Empty Andrew Matheson

Post by philpot July 26th 2022, 10:25 am

Andrew Matheson Img_0806Andrew Matheson Img_0807

Number of posts : 6637
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Andrew Matheson Empty Re: Andrew Matheson

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