lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by MCWebs July 24th 2022, 6:40 pm

Nicely potted light stoneware vessel..

lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… E315b310

lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… D1473710

lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Db4c5510

Many thanks if you can decipher for me…  i’ve been looking at it for 45 mins i’m still none the wiser…

…unglea ?

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by Seal on a Rock July 24th 2022, 10:25 pm

Looks more like 'undy' to me. Or 'andy' with an open topped 'a'?
Seal on a Rock
Seal on a Rock

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by NaomiM July 24th 2022, 10:29 pm


Carrot cake is just fake cake

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by MCWebs July 26th 2022, 1:33 pm

not sure he was a potter (but i'll take it!) Price just gone up by a £1k Most Excellent thanks

Number of posts : 726
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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by NaomiM July 26th 2022, 1:35 pm


Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by philpot July 26th 2022, 2:40 pm

Munday? There is a relatively new South Wales potter called Adrian Munday.

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

Post by NaomiM July 26th 2022, 3:00 pm

The decoration looks familiar. I'm wondering if it's Australian

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is… Empty Re: lovely and light vessel - signed but no idea who it is…

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