A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark

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A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark Empty A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark

Post by RVsaid June 25th 2022, 10:33 am


I was not able to run down the maker's mark on this piece.

Pretty sure it's a B and C mark with a dot on the right.

Any help would be appreciated.


A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark P1680010
A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark P1680011
A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark P1680012

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Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark Empty Re: A small slabe ware pottery vase - Impressed BE or BC & Dot Mark

Post by NaomiM June 25th 2022, 11:11 am

Might be a BE monogram

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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