Can you help me with this jug please

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Can you help me with this jug please  Empty Can you help me with this jug please

Post by Andrej April 27th 2022, 3:59 pm

Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2029
Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2030
Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2028

Number of posts : 32
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-04-26

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Can you help me with this jug please  Empty Can some one help me with Jug mark letter N

Post by Andrej May 13th 2022, 8:19 pm

Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2057
Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2058
Can you help me with this jug please  Img_2056

Number of posts : 32
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-04-26

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Can you help me with this jug please  Empty Re: Can you help me with this jug please

Post by NaomiM May 13th 2022, 10:09 pm

If you post a comment it’ll bump it up to the top of the group and save you having to post a duplicate. I’ve merged the posts. Is it hand painted or transfer printed?

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Can you help me with this jug please  Empty Re: Can you help me with this jug please

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